The Growth of the Soil
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
A well articulated argument against sanctions.
From the editorial section of the NYT, Mr. Kristof lays out a pretty good case for why Dubya is screwing things up in North Korea. Kristof posits that more pressure on the despot would arise from opening the boarders than from further isolation of Kim Jung mentally- Il. It is a good point. Furthermore, as the Chinese government feverishly attempts to manage their percolating economy, there appears to be an opportunity for the US to gain support for opening the gates to the North Korean economy.

I was out of town on work for a few days, in the deep mountain heart of Kentucky, so I am sorry I did not see this sooner, nice post.

However, I don't think that Kristoff is being very fair to Bush on this one. The fact is, I can't really think of a better DIRECT approach to the North Korea problem. There are certainly alot of things that we can do at the margin to lessen the risk: we should be focusing our energy on limiting North Korea's access to nuclear materials and know-how and we should be limiting their ability to export the same.

However, I don't think it is realistic to think that any sort of diplomatic approach that is going to work with a man who is clearly insane. Kristoff should know better then to compare the often practical Chinese with the never practical North Koreans.
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