The Growth of the Soil
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Reaching In From The Outside
This from a guest contributor, the Rogue Agent:

I find the election of Dean to the head of the Dem party to be disheartening. I think this a huge mistake for the Dems and very bad news for the country. Another centrist Clinton-like figure is what the party needs to increase their base and keep the GOP in line. In retrospect, would it have been a good idea for Mondale to be elected head of the Dems in 1985? Dean is as polarizing a figure as I can imagine, which I think will further marginalize the party and allow room for a further strengthening of the right wing of the Republican party. This is bad news for everyone except the evangelicals.
To be blunt, this Rogue Agent is a hopeless moron, and is far more dangerous to the Democratic party than Howard Dean is.

First of all, Howard Dean is probably the closest thing to a Clinton centrist that the Democratic party has to offer short of Mr. Clinton's wife, and she has other plans for herself. For christsakes, the guy has an A rating from the Cato Institute, and an A- (I belive) from the NRA. As Friedman points out in today's Times, the guy balanced the budget in Vermont even though it doesn't have to be balanced: I believe that this is the only case in which this has ever occured.

Second, What would the Rogue Agent have the democrats do? Shall we just give up the ship and register as republicans? Too many on both the left and the right have mistaken the rise of republicans as a rejection of Democratic values and policy positions. In fact, statistics clearly show, in stark relief, that most Americans favor the progressive approach over the conservative approach on almost every single domestic issue. The problem is that the democrats have spent the last 30 years running from those positions, while the Republicans have stuck by their positions, even when they were vastly more unpopular than they are now. What people respond to about Republicans is the clarity of their vision and the surety of their stance in supporting that vision.

Howard Dean offers the Democratic party a refreshing opportunity to start standing up for what it believes in. What we don't need now is a bunch of hand-ringing pussies taking the wind out of our sails.

The perception of Howard Dean that Rogue Agent has bought into and is perpetuating is a direct result of the Democratic party ceding PR battle after PR battle to the Republicans. For christ sake, stop acting as Karl Rove's mouth piece and start standing up for something.
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