The Growth of the Soil
Friday, January 28, 2005
The Reign of Fear continues
In today's NYT, Krugman continues his assault on the Bush administration's Social Security scare tactics. I am an avid Krugman advocate. Clearly, he is a liberal tower of Pisa but I think he consistently articulates the absurdity of the current regime and backs his smack with data. As for today's article, it saddens me that Bush continues down the path of "scare them into submission." His current pitch: Social Security is bad for African Americans because blacks have a shorter life expectancy. WHAT???? Krugman effectively dismantles this naive assertion in his editorial and goes on to reiterate that the Bush team continues to lead with initiatives and then follow with a flood of rationale to support (perhaps JUSTIFY is the better term) their vision. The administration keeps pushing bad policy, based on flawed logic and skewed data. I am left clinging to the hope that Congress will slow the flow and stall the fall of this great nation.

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