Sunday, January 30, 2005
Ink-stained fingers have become a symbol of pride
Tomorrow and thereafter there will be plenty of time to worry about the post-election period and all that it entails (even friends of the administration like Tony Blankley of the Mooney Times predict increased ethnic strife in Iraq and Republicans and Democrats alike are increasingly insisting on a solid timetable for withdrawal). Today, though, you would have to have a pretty hard heart to not take a certain delight and even a little pride in an image like this:

The Times describes a "party like atmosphere" in baghdad itself as voters "packed" polling places. In Basra, Najaf, and Mosul, turn out was nearly as high as the most optomistic pundits predicted. Iraq's election commissioner is estimating that 8 million people BRAVED THE THREAT OF DEATH to make their voices heard. Was it perfect? No. Is there still a signifcant possiblity of civil war? Yes. But for today, let's pray for the very best for the brave men and women, Iraqis and Americans, who did their part in Iraq today.