The Growth of the Soil
Friday, January 14, 2005
Got Yer Bigotry Right Here
Michelle Malkin is a right-wing columnist who most recently got a little famous, but mostly infamous, for writing a book called "In Defense of Internment." Even though I disagree with Ms. Malkin on many subjects, I like her writing and I admire her for her boldness. She's got this immigrant/populist vibe that I appreciate, plus she's pretty hot.

Instapundit excerpted some of her hate mail this morning, and it's just incredibly vicious. The column she wrote (it's the first link you'll see in her blog post I linked to) raises some interesting points about being a minority conservative. Some of the hate mail:

Proverbs 69:69 counsels: "Like a whore who infects those she sleeps with, so doth the ultra-republican faux columnist infect her readers with lies." While you are looking in the mirror, cursing the Left because you weren't born blond, think about the above. Amen.

Is is such a shame that you look like a Filipino- because your thinking, writing (if you can call that) is a disgrace to any member of the Asian community. Someday, when you are no longer motivated by greed, and when you are closer to your next life stage, you will realized what a horrible sellout you are."

From her column:

Rabid liberal elitists expect and demand that "women of color" in public and political life adopt their left-wing political orthodoxy. When we don't accept such tripe, their racist and sexist diatribes against us are unmatched.

I'm neither a racial minority nor do I consider myself a conservative (others have disagreed), but Malkin's observations ring true. I could tell some stories, but my favorite is the time the (socialist) German drug dealer I was arguing with, when he discovered I was Jewish, told me that "fascist Israel" was the "new Germany" because of "Jews like me." Frigging hilarious, even moreso because of the German's utter inappreciation of irony.

People pursuing a radical political agenda are frequently at least as bad (Ted Rall, anyone?), if not worse, than those pursuing "bigoted religious dogma." There should be no moral high ground autmatically ceded to self-professed progressives and radicals, even if you think their hearts are in the right place.

I certainly don't disagree with the thrust of your comment, but I hardly think a lightweight like Michelle Malkin could pull off a topic like internment on her best day. I hardly think she should be whining about being a "woman of color" considering that's the only reason anyone would consider publishing her. I find her defense of internment - the arguably biased summations I've read - utterly offensive and meretricious in the highest degree. Ummm, while we're on the subject of taking offense. Anyway, if Malkin's defense of internments something you agree with, I'd like to hear your defense of it, Dani.
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