The Growth of the Soil
Thursday, January 13, 2005
The 75
From the same speech: "the rightness of many of our views and aspirations...for reforms of the many injustices of our own system".

And: "The Cubans know a lot about spontaneity, gaiety, sensuality, and freaking out. …The increase of energy comes because they have found a new focus for it: community."

Yeah, nothing like Castro's "community" to put a lilt in your step. Just ask The 75.

I trust you can understand what she is getting at. Or maybe not. Regardless, Sontag was anything but subtle in her love affair with utopian ideals and the fringe left.

Tripe. I'll have to remember that. I prefer the word "bile" myself. One can eat tripe. Bile, on the other hand, is just poison by a different name.

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